black and white bubble-eye

Calico moor with oranda and pearlscale

Chocolate moor with red pompons

Tri-colour lionhead

White egg-fish with red cap Oranda and ...

Red and White moor with pompons

Red crown pearscale with white cap

White moor with twelve red patches and ...

Black crown pearscale with red cap

Chocolate oranda with red cap

Black and White moor with Butterfly tail

White moor with Red eye and butterfly tail

calico wakin

tri-colour common goldfish

Calico Crown Pearlscale

昆山市淀山湖镇恒丰观赏鱼养殖场 Top
fishfarm: Demonstration Park of Dian shan LAKE(beside the airport road) ,Kunshan City,Jiangsu Province.
Tel: +86 512 5748 7468 fax:+86 512 5748 7468 Mobile:+86 18912698985 +86 18021290030
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